ZipAudio FAQ's

Q. What is VoIP?

A. VoIP is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol. Also referred to as Internet or broadband telephony, VoIP is a technology that allows your voice to be converted from a traditional phone connection, or analog audio signal, into digital data that is transmitted over the Internet. Conversely, if you are calling from a digital connection, such as a computer, VoIP enables the data to be converted back into an analog format so a person answering on a regular phone can communicate with you.

Q. What are some of the advantages of VoIP?

A. VoIP enables multiple telephone calls to be transmitted over the same broadband connection, in effect adding additional telephone lines for free. This is called "packet switching" and is compared to "circuit switching" the technology behind regular phone calls. With VoIP, you need only an Internet connection to make free phone calls anywhere; you are not bound by the location of your phone or of your calling plan, and therefore can save on long-distance charges.

Q. What are the disadvantages of VoIP?

A. VoIP may require additional equipment or software to convert from analog to digital. Because your data gets changed in format at different points on a VoIP connection, there are more opportunities for unclear connections. VoIP is dependent on a stable source of power and Internet service. Any disruptions to your computer will affect your VoIP phone calls. Also, because it makes the telephone communicate like computers do, VoIP is subject to the same dangers, such as hacking, viruses, and worms. Even opening too many programs might slow down your operating system, causing important calls to crash.

Q. Can international participants join my audio conference?

A. Yes. They must dial into the US toll number to dial into the conference (participants will incur the international long distance charges).

Q. What causes echo in audio conferences?

A. Sometimes, echoes are caused by using speaker phones, polycom phones, headsets, cell phones, having international callers, or may just be a bad connection. Callers can use *6 to mute and un-mute their lines as needed. The conference host can mute all the participants (besides the presenter) using the customized dashboard and host controls to eliminate ambient/disruptive noises. For a quick resolution, press *0 for operator assistance.

Q. How do I Dial Out from the Live Conference Side Menu?

A. From the Live Conference Side Menu, click the Invite Participant button. Provide the dial-out information for the participant. You will be prompted on the phone for further steps to take to join the participant to your conference.

Q. Can I dial out to participants when I am already in the conference?

A. Yes. The dial-out feature is useful for joining international or other participants to a call or conference so they can participate without paying long distance charges. You, as the presenter, will incur the long distance charges. You can dial out using the phone, or using the live conference interface. Regardless of how you dial out, you will need to provide your Client ID.

If you have added audio conferencing to your Zip web conference, dial out by going to the Live Conference Side Menu, and clicking the Invite Participant button. Provide the dial-out information for the participant. You will be prompted on the phone for further steps to take to join the participant to your conference.

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